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Agent Deployer

  • Available for these licenses:
  • Access


The Agent Deployer feature helps you deploy ScreenConnect™ agents onto many Windows machines across a subnet or ARP table at once.

Important information

Before using this application, make sure that your machines can call back to your instance using the relay address. Otherwise, they will not be able to connect back to your instance.

The relay address is the URL that your access clients use to connect back to your server. You can view the relay address of an access client by connecting to it and opening the Status menu. Your relay address is the value in the "Relay Server" field. 



Make sure that these two firewall rules are enabled:

  • Remote Service Management (RPC): this allows the Agent Deployer to make a remote connection to the guest to query, install, and modify the Agent Deployer service
  • File and Printer Sharing (SMB-In): this allows the Agent Deployer to transfer the files needed to install the ScreenConnect client on the remote machine

The actual Agent Deployer client requires .NET 4.0+.

Launch the Agent Deployer 

To launch the extension, click your user icon and choose Download Agent Deployer


Tip: You can store this executable in a folder, in your toolbox, or on your desktop for later use.

Using the Agent Deployer

Open your downloaded Agent Deployer application. The basic workflow for the Agent Deployer is as follows:

1. Verify your administrator credentials

In the Perform As section, click the current username.


In the pop-up window, enter valid credentials to install the ScreenConnect agent. When you have finished, click Save.


2. Load a list of addresses for your machine

Click Load Addresses. Select an option:

  • Subnet – Pull subnet IP addresses
  • Arp Table – Pull IP addresses from your machine's ARP table


3. Edit your client details (optional)

Click Edit Client Details. 

In the window, edit the custom properties, such as Company, Site, Department, or Device Type. These correspond to the custom properties in the Access section of your Host page.


When you're finished, click Save

4. Select one or more machines

Click the checkbox next to an IP address in the list.


You can also click the top checkbox in the table header to open a menu for a Subnet Filter. You can filter by:

  • Wildcard character * in each segment 192.168.0.*
  • Range 0-255 in each segment
  • Static numbers

Press Apply to filter your result. Click Reset to apply the default filter with all wildcard characters. 


5. Click Deploy Clients

To add an access agent, select one or more machines, and then click Deploy Clients.

The Status column will indicate success or failure. If the deployment failed, such as if access is denied, you’ll see that reason listed in the column.


Additional Agent Deployer features

  • Client Details
    • Client Details
    • Client Version
    • Relay Uri 
  • Check Client Status
    • Select at least one machine and click Check Client Status
  • Start Clients
    • Select one or more machines, then click Start Clients to start the ScreenConnect Client service on that machine

What's next

See your new access agents listed on the Host page.

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