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Clipboard sharing during a remote session


On this page, we'll discuss how a host's clipboard behaves and operates during a remote session.

What is clipboard sync?

During a remote session, the host's clipboard is synced with the clipboards on all machines during a session. By default, clipboard sync is enabled.

For example, if a remote end-user copies text to their clipboard, the host has that same text to paste onto their own machine. If there are multiple hosts on one session, each host will have the same contents on their clipboards.

Alternative feature: Send Keystrokes

Technicians can instead use the Send Keystrokes feature, available in the Essentials menu, to send what's on their clipboard without syncing it with anyone else. Using this feature along with disabling the clipboard (shown below) allows technicians the ease of using copied text in a ScreenConnect session without anybody else having access to that text. 

Disable clipboard sync during a session

1. Connect to a session to open the host client

2. Select the Essentials menu

Select Essentials from the toolbar.

3. Click Share Clipboard to deselect the setting

Click Share Clipboard to toggle the setting from on to off. 


Turn Share Clipboard on or off for all sessions

Important: To complete these steps, you will need:

  • The Advanced Configurator Editor extension. Install it from Administration > Extensions page, and then click Browse Online Extensions. Search for the Advanced Configuration Editor, click its icon, and then click Install.

1. Open the Advanced Configuration Editor extension  

Open the Administration page and click the Advanced tab


2. Select Web Configuration > Quick Settings


3. Select the checkboxes next to Share Clipboard

Select Support for support sessions, Access for access sessions, or both. 


4. Click Save & Apply

5. Viewing your changes

Reinstall your host client to view your changes. If you are hosting from a machine that also has an access agent, you can use the reinstall command on the Host page.

To "push" your changes across your access agents, use the Reinstall command on the Host page

If you still cannot view your changes, close all open ScreenConnect client windows, open a command prompt, and enter the following command to clear the ClickOnce cache:

rundll32 dfshim CleanOnlineAppCache

Disable clipboard sync option

Important: To complete these steps, you will need:

  • The Advanced Configurator Editor extension. Install it from Administration > Extensions page, and then click Browse Online Extensions. Search for the Advanced Configuration Editor, click its icon, and then click Install.

1. Open the Advanced Configuration Editor extension  

Open the Administration page and click the Advanced tab


2. Select Application Configuration > Other Settings

3. Find Disable Clipboard Capture

Select the Disable Clipboard Capture checkbox.

4. Click Save & Apply

5. Viewing your changes

Reinstall your host client to view your changes. If you are hosting from a machine that also has an access agent, you can use the reinstall command on the Host page.

To "push" your changes across your access agents, use the Reinstall command on the Host page

If you still cannot view your changes, close all open ScreenConnect client windows, open a command prompt, and enter the following command to clear the ClickOnce cache:

rundll32 dfshim CleanOnlineAppCache


What's next

Explore the other features of the Essentials menu.

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